VetPro Animal Shampoo CBD 500mg


Soothe sensitive skin with our 500mg CBD Vet Pro Animal shampoo, natural ingredients, and gentle formula for cats, dogs, and horses.


Hypo-Allergenic CBD Shampoo for Cats, Dogs, and Horses

Keep your furry friends clean and calm with our Vet Pro Animal Shampoo, specifically designed for sensitive skin. This hypo-allergenic shampoo is infused with 500mg of CBD and natural ingredients, making it perfect for:

  • Soothing skin irritations and allergies in cats, dogs, and horses.
  • Reducing anxiety and stress during bath time.
  • Promoting healthy skin and coat condition.
  • Gentle enough for frequent use.
  • Suitable for pets of all ages.

Key Features:

  • 500mg CBD for maximum skin soothing benefits.
  • Hypo-allergenic formula for sensitive skin.
  • Natural ingredients for a gentle and non-irritating cleanse.
  • Suitable for cats, dogs, and horses.
  • Vet recommended for skin allergies and irritations.

Additional information

Weight 0.582 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 23 cm
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